There is an update from Maersk that from January 15, 2023 the 6-digit HS code is required for all Maersk global shipments.
The policy will be applicable for all Global Export, transhipment and Import cargo movements with Maersk.
For more details, please refer this entire update in below.
6 Digit HS-Code Mandatory for all Global Cargo - Update
Dear Customer,
There has been an increasing focus on the accurate commodity classification under which many Customs authorities are marking Harmonised Commodity Code mandatory in the Customs Manifest declaration. Maersk will be implementing a policy to collect these 6 digit Harmonized System (HS) Codes as published by World Customs Organisation (WCO) as part of the shipping Instructions for all global cargo movements. This is to ensure Maersk and it’s Customers are compliant on providing accurate commodity information right first time to Customs authorities.
We will implement our policies in two phases: 1st October 2022: An e-mail will be sent out reminding you of the need for the missing information in case not submitted via the shipping instructions. 15th January 2023: Shipping Instructions received missing or with an incomplete 6-Digit HS code will not be processed. An e-mail will be sent requesting for the information to be provided until when a draft bill of lading will not be available. This policy will be applicable for all Global Export, transhipment and Import cargo movements with Maersk. How to submit HS code, please refer to below web page for your reference. https://www.maersk.com/~/media_sc9/maersk/local-information/files/asia-pacific/korea/export/customer-advisory/hs-code-maersk-south-korea.pdf Yours sincerely, Maersk